Vanity Fair on Leather Jackets - 1924
The following is a 1924 piece entitled "The Golfer's Golf Jacket" from Vanity Fair.
Though golf suits are sold for golf, only one half of the suit- the trousers or knickerbockers - is ever worn for playing golf, because today the golfer wears a sweater or flannel shirt or leather jacket, but rarely ever the jacket of the golf suit. Sweaters are the obvious thing to play golf in, and the smartest type of sweater now is the slip-on, or so it is sometimes called the "pull over". Newer than this, however, is the soft suede leather jacket which is becoming very popular with golfers, and which comes in a variety of colors including grays, taupes, greens and all shades of brown. This jacket is made up with a knitted band around the cuff, the neck, and at the hip-line, and is not only windproof but waterproof as well. When worn over a flannel shirt, and left open at the neck, it is very smart looking and comfortable - as comfortable as the sweater and actually affording more protection and warmth. The Canadian woodsman's shirt in bright checks and plain colors has also been remodeled into this form - making of it a jacket opening down the front instead of a shirt to pull on over the head. It is becoming popular with the golfer and is quite in keeping with the taste of the well dressed man.
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