Creating Beauty, Design and the Past

I spend a lot of time thinking about shapes and forms. Hours upon hours developing and trying to find out what the thin hair of difference is that creates genius vs mediocrity. With so much mediocre crap out in the world I am always terrified that I might step over the abyss and make or design something that is "mediocre" . Believe it or not as I was discussing with my friend John Chapman the other day, the difference between simple genius and today's fashion is often the concept of purpose. In the past every design, every line and every single cut seemed to be full of purpose. There was always a practical reason for each idea in a garment. The creativity was often the secondary thought. First you make a perfect garment, then you embellish it. Trying to understand that thinking in an age of computing and computer design is next to impossible. The task is daunting at best. I've spent the better part of the last 3 months trying to create new designs in the Zeitgeist of those long dead designers and it has been a fascinating process. We have had to unthink many of the ideas built into these jackets and unthink the way modern patterns are made. It is and will be a very scary process. I have been reticent to even share the results with my family. Hopefully I will have a jacket so beautiful that others will encourage me to bring it out into the world!


  1. Its so true how style, and even movements in style, are more an issue of design following demand. This is the purpose. The original designers probably did not have an intention of creating a work of art, that is for artists. Their intention may have been to provide crucial service, get paid, and hopefully leave a mark somewhere.

  2. I'd love to see what your workspace looks like...I can see a zillion patterns in the background. Thanks for having a such a cool blog, I always enjoy dorking out over the cool leather things you post.

  3. The jacket in this post is unbelievable! Where would we be able to find designs like this available for purchase? This is my first time reading this blog and I think it is just fascinating! Thank you!

  4. Tiffany, you cant really find this kind of stuff it is very rare, I make replicas or inspired pieces or you can grown one of your own or raid some grandpas available lines will be here soon

  5. wow.. that leather jacket is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Skinny your like my biggest fan, Im going to use your likes list for my own!!!!

  7. Luftwaffe jacket. this british guy/girl has the most consistently beautiful jackets to sell.

  8. Beautiful jacket. If you make it we will buy.

  9. Depending on your perspective...I dont do copies so that is good or it is bad..I love to design original jackets..true to the techniques and materials of the specific period...Firstly I dont want to be compared to "an original design" and secondly I want to make something that no one has ever seen and yet appears to be "authentic"


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