Insainity, Ebay and the New Feedback!!!

I rarely like to use my forum to complain about others but O joy O bliss I received my first negative feedback on ebay in a long while, and it was the first under ebay's new feedback system. I have been on ebay since it opened, in fact I tried to create my own ebay before it even existed. Believe it or not the earliest adopter of the online auction for collectibles format was in fact a bunch of buddies of mine in the vintage clothing business. Our secret Cabal of dealers were way ahead of the ebay game. I have both fortunately and unfortunately been with ebay through the entire rise and fall of internet selling. Wow, have they ever gone astray. The great irony is even though there have been failed attempts to compete with ebay, now that they truly have alienated their seller base, no one wants to step up to the plate and finally offer a competative marketplace.
That aside, I got my first negative feedback today. Wow, the new rules are so awesome. Not only did I get it from a guy who didnt even tell me he was unhappy but you should see the affect on my rating. Each feedback takes me down a full percentage point and now I cant even respond when I run into a problem buyer. Worst is there are financial penalties for me at a time when ebay is already charging sellers so much that they are looking for alternatives that are cheaper to sell through. I could go on but suffice to say, you combine a guy who doesnt understand vintage leather, and a personality disorder and a disfunctional public company and you end up with one very unhappy ebay seller.


  1. Hang in there Dave. E-bay is catering to the buyer for obvious reasons, payola. You offer unsual, unique items, in a frantic market-place, and you do it with style. My dealings with you have been honest, and interesting.....stay that way. Thanks Dave, JZ.

  2. Hi, I am another unhappy ebay seller. It used to be a fun place to sell. Many sellers are leaving ebay and going over to
    There's so much freedom there and a very different atmosphere meaning happy sellers. Check it out. I love your website. Doreen

  3. Ironically you can leave negative feedback for bad sellers you just do it with a big green friendly smile of positive feedback, so all you really need to do is say what you think with a positive, quite ironic really

  4. That Alaskan HH cycle jacket is absolutely gorgeous! Is it yours? What size is it? Perhaps you could elaboate on this gem on your facebook group?

  5. That Alaskan HH cycle jacket is absolutely gorgeous! Is it yours? What size is it? Perhaps you could elaboate on this gem on your facebook group?

  6. ps, fy & on the q-est of ts:

    i've been thinking for a bit about creating something similar myself. not precisely an ebay but cigar-close. for vintage dealers, of the ensemble & its ephemera. done an awful lot of things in my life, lets hope i stay well enough to do this one. working on it. it's been a hard couple of years.

    dig yr website. cant say i can wrap my mind too well around the cole haan, elsesise lets say all is faberiffic. as one might, especially dig the duck & the ball. & the lapels. oh, those lapesls.

    my best to you--

  7. I actually left negative feedback for a guy using the positive feedback button, how insane is that, oh and everybody in the world seems to love this Alaskan Jacket, wow!


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